Thursday, June 3, 2010

Me, my sister Colette and my mom. Notice how we have to stank on out toes to be as tall as Colette. My mother was always a half inch taller than me and told me about it often. Now I am taller, much taller, but never as tall as Colette.
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  1. Hey, Celeste!

    I am so silly. When you said you were trying to start a blog, I didn't realize you'd already started it! I am following you now. That's me, the blackberries, over on the right side.
    You're family is lovely and your son is so handsome!

  2. I guess I should have signed that as ScrltLtr. But you knew it was me, right? ;)

  3. Yes, Terri, I know you anywhere. It's the voice.

  4. I haven't announced to anyone else that I have this blog started. It just baby steps. I couldn't even find it myself for over a week. Geesh. I will have to get this going.

  5. It's hot. So hot, I'm melting with the heat.
